sábado, 13 de octubre de 2007

Aida Jeronimo Reina

Hi Montse!I´m Aida Jeronimo.I´m from Mataró in Catalonia. I have one brother, he name´s Cristian. My favourite colour is pink. My favourite animals are dog and cat. My best friens are Sarai and Mireia Clavijo. My favourite food are soup and spaggeti a la carvonara.

3 comentarios:

anglesgem dijo...
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anglesgem dijo...

i'm very sad, today is Sunday and the last day is Monday and to return to school.
my favorite food is sapagheti to the carbonara, as you!!
my favorite animal are dolphin.
what is your favorite film?

anglesgem dijo...

whats your favorite colours?
by alejandra